Palmer Township Kiwanis Club


In 1992 the Kiwanis Foundation of Palmer Township was formed as a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization with the goal of supplementing the charitable interests of the Kiwanis Club of Palmer Township.   The Foundation has been funded by legacies and bequests, as well as contributions from members of the Kiwanis Club of Palmer Township and the general public.

In 1998 the Foundation began granting cash awards to needy individuals and community organizations.  As of August 2018 awards totaling $57,000 have been made. The complete list of Foundations awards is available for review.

Each year, the Foundation Board will determine the amount of the grant to be made, and the agency, or agencies, to receive the grant. Grants will be distributed during the month of September, at a regular meeting of the Palmer Kiwanis Club.

The ongoing task of the Foundation is to receive donations and to make prudent investments so that additional funds may be distributed each year. The Foundation is registered through the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) non-profit charity to which tax deductible donations may be made. Donations in any amount or in any form will be gratefully accepted. Small donations, when pooled over the years can accrue significantly. If you would like to make a donation to help further the Foundation causes, please contact anyone on the list below.

Board of Trustees 2022 -2023

Mr. Victor Scomillio, Esq, President
Mr. Dan McMahon, Vice President
Ms. Ginny Yanzsa, Treasurer
Ms. Santa Wright, Secretary

Jim Mack – Board Member
Ed McDevitt – Board Member
Bob Moran – KC Past President
Brian Panella,Esq – KC President
Open Position – KC President-Elect

Contact Information Kiwanis

Foundation of Palmer Township
Grant Program
PO Box 3165
Palmer, PA 18043